Musings late at night (early in the morning)

So a few things to get out of my head… first…

About Colin Kaepernick’s protesting… Please just think… PLEASE just THINK about what I am about to say.

If there were nothing to his protest, say, he was protesting the color purple, there would be no need for outrage, no need for anger towards him because nobody would give him the time of day for protesting a color. They would look at him like a complete moron and there would be no news story other than he’s a loon.

So here’s the twist… regardless of what he is protesting, he is doing so to provoke a reaction from you to better understand WHY he is KNEELING. So STOP thinking you know why because the NEWS told you and DO SOME RESEARCH on your own. STOP being the TABLOID TAUGHT minions you have become. The grocery store checkout line is NOT where you do research, neither is FOX NEWS or MSNBC!

The thing I WILL tell you is that there IS something to what he is protesting because the topic of Colin Kaepernick protesting is still around for MULTIPLE reasons, one of which may just be Police brutality towards young African American men! Do some fricking research and maybe ask Colin directly!


Now as for the person currently residing in the Whitehouse not named Melania… Donald Trump is absolutely acting like he is colluding even NOW with Russians. His latest attack is on previous and current members of the US government that have details on the Russian Government and the Russian MOB (if you believe they are not one in the same) which CLEARLY shows he is taking cues from Putin or other Russian interests that want to remove US resources that may continue to find and defend the US against Russian infiltration. This is NOT tough to figure out if you just pay attention to what is going on in Washington DC and on Twitter.

As for the Russian.. er um I mean the Republican Party that refuses to look at the facts of what their party head (at least the one in this country) is doing, they are basically complicit with becoming the Russian Party. I have no idea why they are still sitting on their hands with regards to doing anything to put the President in check other than the very real possibility that their party has been used (like the NRA) to launder Russian money.  (See previous Finance chairs of the party… Do the names Elliott Broidy or Michael Cohen ring a bell? )

So Republicans, if I can figure this out and it DOESN’T sound like a conspiracy theory (when you look at the public record your illustrious leader is spewing on twitter), then you all need to know this. Your base constituents… do NOT like to be called Communists. Nazi’s maybe… but NOT communists.